Friday, August 2, 2024

Theater Review: Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson - Apt. 2B

                 Cast of "Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson - Apt. 2B

Ah, mystery. Ah, how to find a good place to live when you’re alone and not yet rich. And ah, how to catch the conscience of the king.

What? I’m talking about The Old Globe’s latest offering, playwright Kate Hamill’s Victorian mystery-based comic play called “Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson, Apt. 2B.” 

But Hamill also takes on the well-known murder mystery genre and changes the sex of detective Sherlock Holmes and retired Dr. Watson to detective Shirley Holmes and humanitarian Joan Watson. Then she puts them together in a London rooming house in and around 2021.

We’ll see lots of dastardly deeds, or at least the results thereof, as various characters played by Jenn Harris, Nehal Joshi, and the two stars Ruibo Qian (Shirley Holmes, detective) and Natalie Woolams-Torres (Joan Watson, humanitarian) waltz around each other and produce varying amounts of audience giggles and groans.

Playwright Hamill provides lots of interesting eye-candy, like bathtubs for, well, you know what, in addition to other murder locations. The mostly male victims are fun to watch as well.

It seems less than plausible that this Sherlock and this Watson would really get together (or even want to), but they are fun to watch as they attempt to navigate the difficulties in which they find themselves. Especially when they  have to deal with stunningly-lovely Jenn Harris, who plays all the gorgeous women who flit in and out.

There may be more goofball stuff than necessary, like when Qian and Woolams-Torres dress up like Irish nuns with crazy white hats and mutter “sure and begorrah.” But it’s all in good fun.

Sean Fanning’s scenic design works well in the round White theater, and Melanie Chen Cole’s sound effects add character and sometimes amusement to the space.

This is goofball theater at its most fun, even if it is a wee tad longer than necessary (two hours, plus one 15-minute intermission).

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